We get asked frequently why people need executive protection. In all honesty there’s a wide variety of reasons. It could be that someone is so famous that they have trouble going through life without being bothered. It could be because they are political or opinionated and need protection from physical threats. Or it could be that they require additional assistance due to age, medical conditions or a combination of any of these reasons. Ultimately it comes down to who they are and how we can support them. In recent news a PGA golfer landed himself in jail and likely did some damage to his brand reputation. Having a detail for the day could have drastically changed his weekend!
Executive Protection comes in a variety of options. A full detail could involve 24/7 coverage with secure transportation, private flights and a full advance team when going to meetings, events or vacations. While these details are amazing to have, they are extremely costly and not very common. Other options could be a door to door service where they are secure at home and have a 1 or 2 person detail with them for business or personal travel. There’s really a lot of variables that we use to help clients determine the need.

When we make recommendations for a detail, much of it comes down to the results of a thorough risk / threat assessment and the needs / desires of the client. We have a host of clients who can go about their daily lives without issue, but when it comes to business travel, they opt to have a detail support their needs so that they can focus on work and not have to sweat the details. Raven becomes the master of logistics and adherence to the schedule so that they can focus on doing what they do best. Recently a client told me he wished he would have had us around so much earlier in his career because his business travel is much more enjoyable and so much more productive because of our support. We take the busyness out of his life and get him from A to B to C and so on and he can focus on personal interactions, preparing for meetings and enjoying the events. What he doesn't have to worry about is when he needs to leave, how to get to the next meeting or knowing the minute details of the schedule. We package it in smaller chunks and become the ones who keep him on the move.
While this "convenience" is valuable to the clients, we are also building layers of protection around them the entire time. Not just protection from physical threats, but brand reputation, image, and so much more. We are keeping them on schedule, focused and at the same time we are war gaming for the things that could derail their lives. We build contingencies and plan for the interruptions, all the while managing the itinerary behind the scenes. Our planning minimizes interruptions for even the simple things like needing a bandaid, or power for their phones. These layers offer them the opportunity to maximize their productivity and time.

Executive Protection is often equated to body guards and Raven is so much more than that. Our EP programs are designed for people across the spectrum who thrive to be effective and efficient in what they do. I'd dare say if you're someone who is building a brand or company we can help make it easier from a logistics and risk management perspective. If you find yourself on the phone all the time and going from meeting to meeting at new locations or even the same old spots, our detail will make things more fluid.
Our goals is to meet your needs and exceed your expectations as a protective detail that provides concierge like services while building layers of protection around you, your brand and your business.

If you'd like to learn more, please reach out to us so we can discuss more specific opportunities that will bring peace of mind to your life.