I get asked all the time “why Raven”? Given that this week we'll celebrate our 4 year company anniversary it seemed fitting to answer this question. When it came time to name the company I wanted something that would stand out, be symbolic, and already had an established significance in the world. My research led me down a path of Biblical, historical and mythological studies. It quickly became evident that the Raven would be the symbol for what we stood for.
Throughout history there are many cultures who see the raven as an integral character in their story. My personal life has been no different. Growing up I have memories of going hunting with my dad where we would hunt crows in West Michigan. As an American Literature teacher he also brought Edgar Allen Poe’s “The Raven” to our school and home. We even a crow decoy on our deck to keep the other birds away!

Although these are very fond memories and influences, the raven has a notable place in a lot a cultural stories too. The Bible has multiple references to Ravens. It was the first bird Noah sent out from the ark and it was also the bird that fed Elijah in the desert.
Native American and British history along with others have significant references to the bird. Odin had a pair of Raven’s Huggin & Muggin that would fly about the world and bring back valuable information each day. All of this would mean nothing if the only thing were references. It's also the temperament and characteristics that drew me to this bird.

Raven's are known as clever and loyal animals. They often mate for life and have been known to learn and remember faces (I learned this first hand from a beefeater at the Tower of London long before Raven Strategic Group was even a thought). But, they are not without controversy as some have associated the ravens with death and dread. Most of these character traits are accurate to how we want to conduct our business. But let's be honest, just like some of the Raven stories, there may be times when some people don't care for us. Especially during the course of protection details and they're the bad guy.

Lastly I wanted to build a brand that would be remembered. I wanted something in the world to remind people of who we are and that we are always watching, always attentive and loyal to their needs. Ravens (crows) are everywhere and as you go about your life when you see one think of us. We’re there ready to serve, provide valuable information and share knowledge with the ultimate goal to bring Peace of Mind.
This is why we are Raven Strategic Group. We want to be a character in your story too. To bring you integral information, and to be a loyal companion there to serve when you need it most. We are at the ready to bring you Peace of Mind.

On a personal note a huge thanks to everyone who has and continues to support us. We are just getting started and have an amazing team that is here to serve and support others with professionalism and integrity!